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Managing the Cost of Living Crisis as a Student in London

NU London Student Blog | December 7, 2022

Living in London can be expensive at the best of times, but the cost of living crisis has exacerbated this in many ways. Below are some quick tips to help you save some money this winter, but remember this is not an exhaustive list. Everyone’s situation will be different, and you should always take advice and apply it to your situation.

Blankets & Hot Water Bottles

Blankets and hot water bottles are your new best friend! If putting the heating on is too expensive, make sure you’re stocking up on blankets and anything else that will keep you warm, especially at night. You can buy full-body hot water bottles on Amazon for about £15, and these will be great all winter!


If you have your utilities on a meter then it can be really helpful to turn off plugs whenever you’re not using them. I turn all of my plugs off in the evening and before I go out, and only keep the essential ones on all the time. It sounds so basic, but making sure lights are switched off and you’re not running a charger when you don’t need to be is a really quick way of saving money.

Set a Budget

Setting a budget is useful anyway as a student, but especially during a time when everything is more expensive. Having a set budget for things in your control like grocery shopping or going out is really important. Tying into this is meal prepping – meal prepping can be something fun to do on the weekend with your flatmates or even by yourself, and it can save you so much time and money!

These are just some really quick tips to help you out during the cost of living crisis, but remember that these are not long-term solutions. It might be worth checking your university’s hardship funds, or asking for more hours at work if you can to make a little bit more money to help you through.

If you’re struggling, get in contact with our Student Money Advice Service who can help advise you on all money matters.

By Hannah Smith