View our degree programmes available in clearing! Apply now

Notice to prospective students.

This website is prepared ahead of the academic period to which it relates to provide potential students with an overview of the programmes for which they are applying. As a result, there may be infrequent occasions when the University is unable to offer individual courses, degree programmes, or services described herein. Furthermore, the University reserves the right to withdraw individual courses or degree programmes where there is an insufficient number of applications or confirmed students to make the course viable. On such occasions, students will be informed of changes within a reasonable timescale and another individual course or degree programme will be offered, which will have equal academic benefit to the course or degree programme originally described. 

From time to time, individual faculty members may stop teaching at the University. In such instances, the University will undertake reasonable endeavours to ensure that students are taught by another academic with an appropriate level of qualification, research interests, and experience.