Take your startup to the next level
Our Startup Hub offers companies a dedicated workspace, countless amenities, and access to highly talented students who can help you grow your organisation.
Dynamic, multi-functional spaces
A variety of spaces are available to suit your needs—from working independently or in small groups, to hosting business meetings, product launches, and speaking events.

You’ll have access to:
- Dedicated team areas.
- Personal desk(s).
- A tech-equipped boardroom.
- Multiple meeting rooms.
- Private pods to make calls.

Other amenities:
- Unlimited use of meeting rooms.
- Bike storage and lockers.
- High speed Wi-Fi.
- An on-site coffee shop.

9-10 Crosswall
London EC3N 2JY

Contact us
For more information or to discuss a viewing, please contact:
Richard Corps
Vaibhav Rustagi