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NU London Robotics Club Wins 1st Place at Cambridge Unibots Competition

NU London | April 19, 2023

On Saturday 25th March, NU Bound students in Northeastern University London’s Robotics Club travelled to Cambridge University to compete in Unibots UK.

Robots were designed and built by each club before arriving at Cambridge University’s Department of Engineering to compete against each other in an arena that was specially designed to test the robots durability and practicality. NU London Robotics came out on top with their robot, sporting the Northeastern logo on red panelling, which was also resilient and able to adapt to every stage of the competition. Team member, Mark Yang, noted how important it was to them to put functionality first and use the practical knowledge they have gained in their Cornerstone of Engineering classes. A strategy that ultimately paid off when their robot outshone the competition, especially in trials of manoeuvrability.

It was an amazing experience for the team to tour around the Cambridge Engineering facilities and interact with robotics enthusiasts from all over the UK, sharing that common ground and passion for engineering, irrespective of where they came from or how well their robots did in the competition.

“The College of Engineering is extremely proud of this team and their great effort and achievement. I am also proud to see this small but mighty team accomplish this. Despite busy schedules and other pressures, they persevered in starting the club, entered the competition, and then triumphed. It is inspiring to all of the engineering students here and in Boston. It was their determination and work that got them there, what a great culmination of their experience in the UK. Such a nice opportunity to meet other students from the area and for them to be ambassadors for NU London. Great work team!” (Sue Freeman – Associate Dean, Undergraduate Engineering)

NU London Robotics consulted with Chase Leffers, Co-president of Northeastern Robotics, during the initial stages of setting up the club earlier this year after a conversation with President Aoun at the Northeastern Thanksgiving celebrations in London.

We hope to see the club grow and students attend Unibots next year to defend their title!