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Revision Top Tips

NU London | May 9, 2023

Exams can be a daunting prospect, but don’t fear there are many things you can do to organise, plan and execute your revision time to make life a little more stress-free! Here are our tips and tricks to help you get the best out of the exam period.

The Revision Period


When going through a stressful period, your body loses a lot of energy, therefore it is vital to keep it fuelled with snacks that will keep you energised throughout the revision period. During the exam season, it is important to not be too hard or strict with yourself and whilst eating healthily is always recommended, sometimes you need to recognise the needs of your body. So, if you find yourself craving a bit of sugar then allow yourself to have a biscuit every so often. A good way of ensuring you don’t eat unhealthily all day is to only snack as a “reward” for a finished study session, avoid buying snacks on days you aren’t studying, and never keep the snacks near you as you are more likely to consume them without even realising.

Treat Yourself

Exams are hard and you should give yourself credit for the amount of work you are putting in to your revision. A good way to motivate yourself is to always have something to look forward to for after an exam. This can be anything from buying yourself that top you’ve had your eye on for a while, to treating yourself to dinner with a friend. Having this to look forward to gives you the motivation to put the effort in to your revision and the exam and you know you have something good coming afterwards. It also helps you to relax and get a good night’s rest before your exam.

The Exam

The Day Before

The day before an exam is arguably more stressful than the exam itself so it is important that you do everything you can to relieve the pressure on yourself. It is essential to let your body, and in particular your mind, rest for at least eight hours before the exam. Giving yourself the time to relax and switch off will ensure you have the energy and level of focus required to complete the exam.

On the Day

A good tip for any exam is to not revise on the day. You might instead want to read over a few key points (but keep these to a maximum of 5) before you go in. Trying to revise on the day puts more pressure on yourself and will cause you to be more tired and less focused during your exam. If you have prepared well then you do not need to revise on the day – save your energy for the exam!

Another essential is to ensure you have a healthy breakfast. Your body needs fuel to help your mind focus and deal with the nerves and stress that an exam causes. Something is simple as porridge with some fruit will keep you full and give you the energy you need.

After the Exam

Whilst it might be difficult as everyone likes to discuss the exam, try to refrain from asking others what answers they got for certain questions. At this point it is already too late and asking others might put more pressure on yourself for other exams. You have done your best and that is all that matters!