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Academic Handbook Admissions

Annual Programme Fee Review Policy and Procedure


  1. This Policy sets out the process undertaken by Northeastern University London (the University) to review the tuition fee for programmes.

Regulated Fees

  1. The only programmes exempt from this Policy are those where the fee is regulated. Where fees are regulated by the Department for Education or Research Council UK, permitted increases are normally inflationary and the University reserves the right to increase tuition fees by inflation as permitted by law or government policy in the second and subsequent years of the programme.
  2. If, in the future, the increase to regulated fees permitted by law or Government policy exceeds the rate of inflation, the University reserves the right to increase fees to the maximum permitted level.
  3. If the University decides to exercise its right to increase fees, as noted above, students will be informed following the Government timeline.

Unregulated Fees

  1. The responsibility of setting tuition fees for programmes that are not regulated by law or the Government is with the University’s Executive Committee (ExCo).
  2. The Recruitment Team will submit a market analysis and recommendation for tuition fees to ExCo at the beginning of April.
  3. ExCo will review the market analysis and recommendation and propose a programme fee to the June meeting of Northeastern London Board.
  4. If a programme fee increase is approved, students will be notified by 1 September of the preceding academic year.

Reporting, Monitoring and Reviewing

  1. ExCo has overall responsibility for monitoring and evaluating this Policy and Procedure.
  2. ExCo reports to Northeastern London Board on an annual basis the outcomes of the use of this Policy and Procedure.

Version History

Title: Annual Programme Fee Review Policy and Procedure

Approved by: Executive Committee

Location: Academic Handbook/ Admissions

Version number Date approved Date published  Owner  Proposed next review date
24.2.0 December 2023 December 2023 Director of Marketing, Admissions, Recruitment and Visa Compliance October 2024
Version numbering system revised March 2023
1.0 October 2022 December 2022 Director of Marketing, Admissions, Recruitment and Visa Compliance September 2023
Referenced documents None
External Reference Point(s) None

Annex A: Example Timeline for the Implementation of this Policy

ExCo review data and prepare proposal Revised fee proposal submitted to Northeastern London Board New fee published to students New fee implementation
April 2025 June 2025 September 2025 September 2026