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Academic Handbook Summer School Policies and Procedures

Code of Behaviour for Summer School


  1. This Code of Behaviour is for prospective students attending Northeastern University London (the University) for Summer Schools. The University wants everyone attending events and activities to enjoy themselves, learn new things and to feel welcome, so it is asked that all attendees follow the University’s Code of Behaviour for Summer School, this Code.


  1. The University asks attendees to:
    1. Act responsibly, be aware of the surroundings and stay with their group at all times.
    2. Always follow instructions from University staff and student ambassadors.
    3. Engage with the activities. Listen, and contribute your thoughts and questions at the appropriate times.
    4. Arrive on time and attend all scheduled activities. Tell University staff in advance if you are going to be late or can’t attend.
    5. Please do not contact University staff and students through their personal emails or social media accounts. University staff and students must not contact you through their personal emails or social media accounts. If you are contacted by a member of the University through a different platform, other than their NU London email address, please tell your parent, carer or a different University staff member.
    6. Do not arrive at the University under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs. Do not use or bring cigarettes, vapes, alcohol or illegal drugs onto campus.
    7. Show respect and kindness to classmates, staff and students at all times. 
    8. Do not use offensive or discriminatory language or discuss inappropriate subjects not related to the session topic. The University has zero tolerance on bullying or harassment, and incidents of such behaviour will be classified as serious misbehaviour.
    9. Follow any additional rules or requests set by University staff.

Serious Misbehaviour

  1. Anyone who does not abide by this Code of Behaviour, may be given a warning. In serious incidents of misbehaviour, or repeated minor incidents, you may be asked to leave and your parent/guardian will be contacted.
  2. Summer School attendees who deliberately damage University property will be expected to pay to repair damage or replace items.


  1. The University hopes that everyone attending our events or activities enjoys themselves, but, if you experience any problems or feel worried about anything while you are at the University, you are encouraged to talk to a student ambassador, a University staff member or a trusted adult. This can be done by speaking to a student ambassador or University staff member directly, while at the event or activity, alternatively the Widening Participation team can be contacted afterwards, via email.
  2. If you feel uncomfortable about something at the University, but don’t feel able to tell a student ambassador or a University staff member about it, please talk to a trusted adult (this might be your parent, carer, someone in your family or a teacher at school) and ask for their help.


  1. We have robust safeguarding processes in place to keep you safe during our events and programmes. More details about this can be found in our Safeguarding Policy for Under 18s.

Version History

Title: Code of Behaviour for Summer School

Approved by: Executive Committee

Location: Academic Handbook/ Admissions/ Summer School

Version Number Date Approved Date Published  Owner  Proposed Next Review Date
22.1.0 July 2023 July 2023 Head of Student Recruitment January 2024
Referenced documents Safeguarding Policy for Under 18s.
External Reference Point(s)