Academic Handbook Terms of Reference and Governance Structure Diagrams
Terms of Reference – Northeastern London Board of Governors
Northeastern London Board is the statutory board of the legal entity (Northeastern University – London) that owns the brand ‘Northeastern University London’ and through which the University operates, including its relationship with regulatory bodies and partner organisations. Northeastern London Board is a limited liability company established under English and Welsh law.
Terms of Reference
- Northeastern London Board has oversight and management of the strategic, financial and operational areas of the University’s activities and all other aspects of the University’s existence save for responsibilities of the Academic Board in respect of the regulating and directing of the academic work of the University, including teaching (undergraduate and postgraduate) and research.
- Northeastern London Board has ownership, oversight and management of the regulatory responsibilities and relationships of the University.
- In areas of academic procedures and policies it acts, as necessary, as the conduit for Academic Board (which has no separate legal standing) with the relevant regulatory body.
- It fulfils it legal and regulatory responsibilities in respect of academic matters though Academic Board.
Northeastern London Board may establish such committees as it considers necessary to carry out its responsibilities. The number of members of any such committee and the terms on which they hold and vacate office shall be determined by Northeastern London Board. Reports (at least annually) from these committees shall be received and considered by Northeastern London Board.
1 x Executive Governor
5 x Northeastern University Affiliated Governors
3 x Independent Governors
The Governors will elect a Chair and Vice-Chair from among the Independent Governors and those appointed by Northeastern University to serve as either the Chair or as Vice-Chair for a period up to three years. A Chair or Vice-Chair is normally only eligible for re-election once for a further period of up to three years but, in exceptional circumstances a third three-year term may be offered at the discretion of the Governors. (Articles of Association, paragraph 72).
Four times per annum
One third of the Governors, or if division by three does not produce a whole number, the next highest whole number of Governors.
Reports from
Academic Board
Executive Committee