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  1. This Policy sets out how Northeastern University London students can add or remove courses from their timetable, the process for doing so, the timeline for add/drop, and the criteria for making a change.


  1. This Policy applies to undergraduate students (not including degree apprenticeship students).
  2. This Policy governs all undergraduate degree programmes taught or delivered by the University.
  3. For the purposes of this Policy, the term ‘students’ refers to students pursuing undergraduate degree programmes taught or delivered by the University.

General Principles

  1. The University is committed to giving students autonomy over their academic schedule.
  2. This Policy and associated procedures will be conducted in a timely, fair, and reasonable manner.
  3. The University will ensure that appropriate action is taken following a request to add/drop a course.
  4. The University will ensure that appropriate guidance and support is available for students when choosing a course.


  1. Students may only add or drop a course if it is academically necessary for them to do so. Examples include:
    1. Change of programme or major.
    2. The course does not form part of their programme of study.
    3. To change, add or remove a pathway (UK undergraduate students)
    4. Explore (Provost) students: Students enrolled on the Explore programme are permitted to change courses upon request
  2. MOBILITY STUDENTS ONLY: May only add or drop a course if they have tested out of a course or previously earned the credits for that course, only where relevant with a students’ programme of study.
    1. AP Credit.
    2. IB Credit.
    3. Accelerate (NU courses) credit.
    4. A level exams.
    5. Transfer credit (accepted by the University)
  3. Add/Drop Requests will not be considered for reasons including, but not limited to, the following:
    1. Time or day changes to the University timetable. (Unless stated in a learning support plan or accommodations plan with Student Support & Development).
    2. Dissatisfaction with faculty or teaching style.
    3. Dissatisfaction with the course.
    4. Change of section.


  1. The Add/Drop Form will open on the set date as advertised by Academic Advising for students to make their requests.
  2. Requests will be considered by Academic Advising, Timetabling, and faculty.
  3. If the request is approved, the Timetabling Team will amend CELCAT, Canvas will be updated, and Academic Advising will notify the student.
  4. If the request is refused, Academic Advising will notify the student.
  5. Making a request does not guarantee a course change.


  1. Add/Drop is scheduled during the first teaching weeks of each semester. Specific dates and times will be advertised on the academic services calendar.
  2. There will be a strict cutoff date for add/drop requests as advertised.

Reporting, Monitoring and Reviewing

  1. Academic Advisors will maintain a record of add/drop requests.
  2. Academic Advising, Timetabling, Faculty, and Canvas teams will review and make recommendations to this Policy as appropriate.
  3. Academic Board reviews this Policy for effectiveness.

Version History

Title: Add/Drop Policy

Approved by: Academic Board

Location: Academic Handbook/ Policies and Procedures/ Academic Policies and Procedures

Version number Date approved Date published  Owner  Proposed next review date
24.2.0 December 2023 December 2023 Academic Registrar May 2025
23.1.0 July 2023 July 2023 Academic Registrar May 2024
Related documents None
External Reference Point(s) None