- This Policy sets out how Northeastern University London students can add or remove courses from their timetable, the process for doing so, the timeline for add/drop, and the criteria for making a change.
- This Policy applies to undergraduate students (not including degree apprenticeship students).
- This Policy governs all undergraduate degree programmes taught or delivered by the University.
- For the purposes of this Policy, the term ‘students’ refers to students pursuing undergraduate degree programmes taught or delivered by the University.
General Principles
- The University is committed to giving students autonomy over their academic schedule.
- This Policy and associated procedures will be conducted in a timely, fair, and reasonable manner.
- The University will ensure that appropriate action is taken following a request to add/drop a course.
- The University will ensure that appropriate guidance and support is available for students when choosing a course.
- Students may only add or drop a course if it is academically necessary for them to do so. Examples include:
- Change of programme or major.
- The course does not form part of their programme of study.
- To change, add or remove a pathway (UK undergraduate students)
- Explore (Provost) students: Students enrolled on the Explore programme are permitted to change courses upon request
- MOBILITY STUDENTS ONLY: May only add or drop a course if they have tested out of a course or previously earned the credits for that course, only where relevant with a students’ programme of study.
- AP Credit.
- IB Credit.
- Accelerate (NU courses) credit.
- A level exams.
- Transfer credit (accepted by the University)
- Add/Drop Requests will not be considered for reasons including, but not limited to, the following:
- Time or day changes to the University timetable. (Unless stated in a learning support plan or accommodations plan with Student Support & Development).
- Dissatisfaction with faculty or teaching style.
- Dissatisfaction with the course.
- Change of section.
- The Add/Drop Form will open on the set date as advertised by Academic Advising for students to make their requests.
- Requests will be considered by Academic Advising, Timetabling, and faculty.
- If the request is approved, the Timetabling Team will amend CELCAT, Canvas will be updated, and Academic Advising will notify the student.
- If the request is refused, Academic Advising will notify the student.
- Making a request does not guarantee a course change.
- Add/Drop is scheduled during the first teaching weeks of each semester. Specific dates and times will be advertised on the academic services calendar.
- There will be a strict cutoff date for add/drop requests as advertised.
Reporting, Monitoring and Reviewing
- Academic Advisors will maintain a record of add/drop requests.
- Academic Advising, Timetabling, Faculty, and Canvas teams will review and make recommendations to this Policy as appropriate.
- Academic Board reviews this Policy for effectiveness.
Version History
Title: Add/Drop Policy
Approved by: Academic Board Location: Academic Handbook/ Policies and Procedures/ Academic Policies and Procedures |
Version number | Date approved | Date published | Owner | Proposed next review date |
24.2.0 | December 2023 | December 2023 | Academic Registrar | May 2025 |
23.1.0 | July 2023 | July 2023 | Academic Registrar | May 2024 |
Related documents | None | |||
External Reference Point(s) | None |