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Academic Handbook  External Examining

Award External Examiner Handbook

Academic Year 2023-24


Welcome to Northeastern University London (the University). We hope that your period of tenure as an Award External Examiner for the University will be a successful and valuable experience.

The procedures regarding External Examining at the University have been developed in line with the UK Quality Code for Higher Education for the assurance of academic quality and standards in higher education – Theme: External Expertise. For more information, please read AQF11 External Examining.

The purpose of this handbook is to provide relevant information to you about the University and its assessment processes, and to provide you with support and guidance for carrying out your role.

Should you have any queries at any point during your period of appointment, please do not hesitate to contact the Registrar.

Northeastern University London

Founded in 2011, as New College of the Humanities, Northeastern University London seeks to provide a personalised and experiential education that supports diverse learners, empowering them for lifelong success and to make a meaningful impact in the world..

In 2019 New College of the Humanities joined Northeastern University, a large research-led university based in Boston in the United States.  In June 2020, NCH at Northeastern was recognised as a charity and was entered onto the Register of Charities.

In February 2020 the University was granted (time-limited) Taught Degree-Awarding Powers (TDAP) which enabled the University to enhance its provision of education to undergraduate and postgraduate students and include degree apprenticeship programmes in its portfolio. In August 2020, the Department of Education granted the University indefinite Taught Degree Awarding Powers due to its registration with the Office for Students, and becoming a publicly funded HE provider.

In March 2020, the University became a Registered Approved Training Provider for Degree Apprenticeships which provided the University with additional channels for offering higher education to a broader spectrum of students and in August 2020, the University was officially on the Register of End-Point Assessment Organisations.

In June 2022 NCH at Northeastern became Northeastern University – London. The University is now fully a part of the Northeastern University global network and is one of three sights providing undergraduate degree programmes.

Mission of the University

The University’s mission is to foster a collegial environment in which learning, debate and the sharing of ideas is central, and in which all members of the University treat one another as partners in the quest for knowledge and intellectual enlargement. The students embark on courses of systematic study; the faculty advise, assist and challenge; the joint venture is not a matter of de haut en bas but of cooperation. Encouragement of students to think across the boundaries of disciplines and to see the connection between what we study and our experience of life at large – these are some of the desiderata to place at the heart of university life.
For further information on the teaching and learning at the University, please see AQF2 Overview of Teaching and Learning

External Examiner Pack 

For your first year of your tenure, the University will provide you with a Subject External Examiner Pack that includes relevant documentation as follows:

  • Award External Examiner Handbook and referenced documents.
  • Relevant assessment information including:
    • AQF7 Academic Regulations.
  • Boards of Examiners information including:
    • Minutes of the most recent Progression and Award Board Meeting.
    • Dates of forthcoming Progression and Award Board Meetings.

Should you require any further copies of the above or wish to request any additional information, please contact the Academic Registrar Rebecca Harrison ( 

Award External Examiner Induction Provided by the University

The University organises an Award External Examiner Induction session to which newly appointed External Examiners are invited to attend. The induction session will normally take place online.

The aim of the Induction session is to provide Award External Examiners with:

  • An opportunity to meet key staff.
  • General information about the University, including recent activities and new developments.
  • Further information about the roles, responsibilities and value of Award External Examiners at the University.
  • Information regarding Progression and Award Boards at the University, how Progression and Award Boards operate at the University, and forthcoming dates of Progression and Award Boards.
  • An overview of relevant University policies and procedures.
  • An opportunity to ask any questions and request additional information as appropriate.

An indicative agenda for the Subject External Examiner Induction is provided below:

  • Welcome to the University: recent activities and new developments
  • Roles, responsibilities and the value of External Examiners at the University
  • Progression and Award Boards at the University
  • Assessment at the University: policies, procedures and practice
  • An overview of the programmes and their constituent courses
  • Marking criteria and schemes
  • The logistics of External Examining
  • Confirming key contacts
  • Confirming receipt of relevant documentation

The Responsibilities of Award External Examiners

Award External Examiners are responsible for confirming the standards of the University’s awards on the basis of attending Progression and Award Boards and should be confident that:

  • Board decisions are reached in accordance with University policy.
  • Students are considered equitably and objectively.

Progression and Award Board (PAB)

The Progression and Award Boards (PAB) confirm student course marks, and approve progression between levels/stages and the conferment of University awards and award academic credit.

The Terms of Reference, including membership, can be found here.

In respect of each student, the PAB will receive:

  1. The overall mark for each course.
  2. The mark for each assessment element.
  3. Notification of the pathway courses (undergraduate double degree ONLY)
  4. Notification of any irretrievable deficits.
  5. Extenuating circumstances decisions confirmed by the University’s Extenuating Circumstances Panel.
  6. Confirmation where a late submission penalty has been applied.
  7. Confirmation where the student is subject to an academic misconduct ruling.
  8. Confirmation where any recognition of prior learning credits has been awarded.
  9. Level averages to one decimal point place and award averages to one decimal point place.
  10. A total of all credit points achieved by the student in the named programme in this and previous years.

The PAB will:

  1. Agree the final version of the minutes of the previous meeting and note any matters arising from them.
  2. Note any actions taken under the delegated authority since the previous meeting.
  3. Confirm the course assessment results for students and the award of credit.
  4. Confirm whether students can progress onto the next level/stage of their programme.
  5. Confirm the conferment of an award and, as appropriate, its classification.
  6. Confirm the awarding of a Pathway (undergraduate double degree students ONLY)
  7. Confirm that core attributes have been passed in accordance with the double degree programme specifications (undergraduate double degree students ONLY).
  8. To confirm the successful completion of the individual integrated end-point-assessment and confirm the award of credit. (Work Related programmes ONLY)
  9. Note any reports submitted by the Assessment Team and advise on any relevant follow up actions.
  10. Identify any Flagged Courses and advise on any follow up actions.

The business of the PAB is confidential.

Presentation of Data to the Assessment Board

Progression and Award Board

At PAB, each report lists the students with the estimated outcome. A complete assessment profile for each student is provided to the Board. The student data is presented to the Board anonymously.

There are ten possible decisions that may be made by the PAB regarding a student’s performance as follows:

  • Pass – Proceed
  • Proceed with Deficit
  • Pass (plus classification)
  • Defer
  • Refer
  • Repeat Course(s)
  • Cannot Proceed
  • Student Withdrawn

There are seven possible individual course outcomes:

  • Pass
  • Defer
  • Refer
  • Pass Compensated (See AQF7 Part C for compensation criteria)
  • Repeat Course
  • Failed Final Attempt

Appeals Against Examination Board Decisions

Students can appeal the decision of the Progression and Award Board. Further information on Academic Appeals can be found here.

Extenuating Circumstances 

Except when prevented by medical reasons or other sufficient causes, students who fail to present themselves for an examination shall be deemed by the PAB to have failed that examination.

Students are strongly advised to submit their assessment ahead of the published deadline. However, if assessments are submitted late without approved Extenuating Circumstances, there are penalties:

  • 48- hours late, any mark of 42% or higher will be capped at 40% for undergraduate students. Any mark of 50% or higher will be capped at 50% for postgraduate students. Any mark below 42% for undergraduate students and below 50% for postgraduate students will stand.
  • Students who do not submit their assignment and have no approved extenuating circumstances, are deemed to have failed that assessment element and the mark recorded will be 0%.
  • 48-hours after the submission deadline, the Canvas submission area will be closed.

It should be noted that students must attempt ALL assessment elements for each course. A non-submission is classed as a fail.

If a student experiences serious events that have a significant adverse effect on their ability to study or undertake an assessment, they may report them as Extenuating Circumstances using the University’s Extenuating Circumstances Policy, which is provided to students through the Academic Handbook, on the University website. The students are also directed to this policy through their programme handbooks and assessment briefs. This policy provides students with clear instructions about events that are and are not considered Extenuating Circumstances and the procedure for submitting Extenuating Circumstances for both examinations and continuous performance (including the submission of coursework/assignments).

Award External Examiner Annual Report

As an Award External Examiner, you are responsible for completing an annual report and submitting to the Academic Registrar. You will have an information document to guide you through the report and have the opportunity to highlight areas of good practice and feedback any recommendations or concerns you may have. The report sections are as follows:

  1. Support
  2. Progression and Awards Boards
  3. Student Progressions and Awards
  4. Good Practice and Enhancement
  5. Final Exit Report (for the final year only)

An Award External Examiner will typically receive the template for the Annual Report in September and be asked to complete it prior to the University’s December Academic Board where it will be approved, along with its formal response.

Raising a Concern

If you have cause to raise a concern regarding the academic standards of courses, or the behaviour or performance of a member of staff, you are advised to raise this with the Academic Registrar. The Academic Registrar will investigate the issue in order to resolve the matter to the satisfaction of all parties. If you have a concern regarding the Academic Registrar you should raise this with the Associate Vice President for Academic Services and Student Engagement, Registrar.

Should the issue remain unresolved, you may submit a confidential report about academic standards directly to the Dean of Northeastern University London.

Where an Award External Examiner has a serious concern relating to systemic failings with the academic standards of a programme and has exhausted all published applicable internal procedures, they may raise their concern with the Office for Students.

Key Contacts 

Rebecca Harrison Academic Registrar
Michele Longhurst Head of Quality Assurance

List of Referenced Documentation in this Handbook

The following is a list of the documentation that is referenced throughout this handbook (excluding weblinks).

Version History

Title: Award External Examiners Handbook

Approved by: Quality Team

Version number Date approved Date published Owner Location Proposed next review date
3.0 September 2023 September 2023 Registrar Academic Handbook, policies and procedures,
external examiner
September 2024
2.0 September 2022 September 2022 Head of Quality Assurance Academic Handbook, policies and procedures,
external examiner
September      2022
1.0 June 2021 June 2021 Head of Quality Assurance Academic Handbook, policies and procedures,
external examiner
September      2022
Referenced documents Undergraduate Assessment Policy; Assessment Regulations; Annex 2 Grade Marking; Annex 3 Grade Scale; Undergraduate Extenuating Circumstances Policy; Undergraduate Academic Appeals Policy; Assessment Board Terms of Reference
External Reference Point(s) UK Quality Code Theme: External Expertise