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Academic Handbook Health and Safety

Health and Safety Policy

Statement of Intent

  1. Northeastern University London (the University) is committed to ensuring the health, safety and welfare of all employees and others who come into contact with the University. The University acknowledges its legal responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and will use this Policy to outline the University’s health and safety objective and how the University will fulfill that objective.


  1. The University is a low-risk environment whose primary activities are teaching, events, and office-based work. As such, the University will seek to achieve zero harm to its staff, students and visitors while they access University facilities or conduct any work on behalf of the University.
  2. The University will seek to accomplish zero harm by:
    1. Preventing accidents involving our staff and students and cases of work-related ill health.
    2. Providing a safe working environment.
    3. Providing safe plant and equipment.
    4. Providing clear information and training for staff or students to conduct tasks or responsibilities.
    5. Managing risks to all staff, students and visitors.
    6. Ensuring the health and safety of all employees and others so far as reasonably practicable.
    7. Complying with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974.
    8. Providing sufficient resources to enhance the health and safety of all employees and others.
    9. Consulting with employees on matters involving their health and safety.
    10. Demonstrating senior management commitment to health and safety and promoting positive health and safety practices throughout the organisation.
    11. Having sufficient policies and procedures in place for business continuity and emergencies.

Organisation and Responsibilities

  1. The Northeastern London Board of Governors has overall responsibility for health and safety at the University and delegates this duty to the CEO. The Board receives annual health and safety reports from the Senior Management Team and Health and Safety Committee minutes, and is informed of major health and safety concerns or incidents.
  2. The CEO is responsible for ensuring this Policy is implemented across the organisation and that the University meets its legal obligations. The CEO is responsible for conducting final reviews on all health and safety documentation and establishing targets across the organisation.
  3. Directors, Senior Managers and Heads are responsible for ensuring this Policy is implemented across the teams for which they are responsible. All Directors, Senior Managers, and Heads are expected to promote a positive health and safety culture for the departments they are responsible for, and ensure as far as reasonably practicable that risks and hazards to themselves or their staff are managed correctly by following good practice and reporting any concerns to the competent person(s).
  4. Line Managers are responsible for proactively conducting health and safety inspections on the areas or activities which their staff are working. Line Managers are responsible for ensuring that any health and safety concerns, hazards or risks are reported appropriately.
  5. Employees are responsible for reporting health and safety concerns to Line Managers or Facilities. All employees are responsible for maintaining the health and safety of themselves and others in line with their legal responsibilities outlined in the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974.
  6. Safety Representatives are responsible for representing employees’ views at the bi-annual Health and Safety Committee.
  7. Facilities are responsible for the operational aspects of health and safety across the University and ensuring legal compliance on a day-to-day basis. Facilities are responsible for advising staff and students on health and safety arrangements and risk management. Fire Wardens are responsible for ensuring that the University complies with fire safety in our premises and evacuating the building in the event of a fire or emergency.
  8. First aiders are responsible for ensuring the University has adequate first aid provisions and administering first aid in the event of an emergency.


Risk Assessments

  1. The Facilities Manager has responsibility for ensuring the general workplace risk assessment for the University has been undertaken and risk assessing any daily activities which may not be covered by the general workplace risk assessment.
  2. The Facilities Manager is responsible for ensuring the Fire risk assessment and Legionella Risk Assessments are completed by a competent provider.
  3. The Facilities Manager is responsible for ensuring that any higher risk activities which may involve tools or COSHH have been suitably risk assessed before the activity can proceed.
  4. Contractors are responsible for submitting Risk assessments and method statements for any works conducted on University property.
  5. Event risk assessments are to be conducted by the Event Organiser and approved by Facilities.

Legislative Requirements

  1. Ensuring legislative requirements relating to health and safety and the building are met or exceeded.
  2. Reporting of any relevant incidents under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR).

Health and Safety Training

  1. The Director of Resourcing and Operations is responsible for ensuring that a member of the University has received sufficient health and safety training for the University to ensure compliance with its legal obligations and compliance with this policy.
  2. The Facilities Manager is responsible for ensuring that the University has a sufficient number of fire wardens and first aiders trained across our premises.
  3. The Facilities team will provide new staff and students will receive a building induction to outline health and safety and evacuation procedures.
  4. The Facilities Manager is responsible for organising any manual handling or other health and safety training, as required.
  5. Line managers are responsible for providing new staff with specific health and safety information and training relevant to their role. This includes event risk assessments and travel assessments.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

  1. Directors, senior managers, heads, or line managers are responsible for identifying any activities conducted by their staff which may require PPE.
  2. The Facilities Manager is responsible for the procurement of any PPE which is required for internal staff members to undertake their work.
  3. Contractors are responsible for the provision of their own PPE if required to undertake works where it is required.

Control of Contractors or Procured Services

  1. Any member of the University who procures services on behalf of the University is responsible for undertaking due diligence in respect to ensuring the provider has suitable and sufficient Health and Safety documentation and processes in place before proceeding with the service.
  2. The organiser of works is responsible for conducting a thorough procurement process to ensure that contractors are competent with the works which they wish to undertake.
  3. The organiser of works is responsible for vetting contractors to ensure no risk is posed to any members of the University from this contractor.
  4. The organiser of works is responsible for the control of the relevant contractor which attends our premises to undertake works. The organiser is responsible for explaining first aid and emergency arrangements to contractors before works commence.
  5. Contractors are responsible for their own health and safety whilst attending our premises.

Welfare Arrangements

  1. The Facilities Manager is responsible for liaising the with building landlord to ensure that welfare facilities which fall outside of our domain are well maintained and available such as:
    1. Toilets and washbasins
    2. Showers and changing rooms
  2. The Facilities Manager is responsible for ensuring that any welfare facilities that fall within our demise are well maintained and available for use, such as:
    1. Toilets and washbasins
    2. Adequate meal and preparation facilities
    3. The provision of drinking water
    4. Multi faith and first aid rooms
    5. Rest facilities for pregnant workers

Accident and Incident Reports

  1. Accidents are an event that results in injury or ill health. Incidents are events which could have resulted in injuries or ill health but did not. An incident may also be referred to as a ’near miss’.
  2. All accidents which take place on University premises must be reported to a first aider.
  3. First aiders will report all accidents using the online accident book. This is owned by the Facilities Manager.
  4. All Incidents are to be reported to the Facilities Manager, who will fill out the online incident form.
  5. All accident and incident areas are investigated by the Facilities Manager or Director of Resourcing and Operations to check the cause of the accident or incident and identify measures which can prevent the occurrence from happening again.

Emergency Evacuation Procedures

  1. The Facilities Manager is responsible for ensuring that the University has suitable and sufficient emergency evacuation procedures, which may be conducted internally or by a competent contractor.
  2. The Facilities Manager is responsible for reviewing these procedures to ensure they remain suitable and sufficient as the University changes.
  3. The Facilities Manager is responsible for ensuring that adequate arrangements are in place for members or visitors with accessible needs. These measures include Person Emergency Evacuation Plans and Student Support and Development alternative evacuation plans.
  4. The Facilities Manager is responsible for arranging suitable dates for the bi-annual test of these procedures.

Maintenance and Testing of Equipment

  1. The Facilities Manager is responsible for ensuring that all Fire and emergency equipment within the University is checked, maintained and tested regularly in accordance with legislative requirements. Maintenance and testing are conducted by a competent contractor appointed by Facilities.
  2. First aiders and the Facilities Manager are responsible for checking first aid kits to ensure they are well supplied, that all items are in date, and all items within are not damaged or contaminated.
  3. The Facilities Manager is responsible for ensuring that all electrical equipment has been tested by a competent contractor. Portable appliances are tested annually and the Fixed Wire Test is conducted every five years.

Out of Hours and Lone Working

  1. Any work carried outside of normal working hours is subject to the Lone Working Policy and the Campus Security Policy.
  2. Line Managers should make sure their staff are aware of their commitments under the policies and ensure they follow the relevant procedures.

Compliance and Monitoring

  1. Health and Safety Committee members are responsible for monitoring and reviewing compliance with health and safety matters, including inspection reports, actions and for ensuring that the procedures are kept up-to-date and managed in line with current legislation and best practice.
  2. The Health and Safety Committee members are responsible for representing employees’ views at the Health and Safety Committee.


  1. The University has an obligation under the Health and Safety (Consultation with Employees) Regulations 1996 to consult with staff regarding health, safety and welfare.
  2. The Health and Safety Committee reviews all policies, risk assessments and reports and recommends improvements and actions. It provides an opportunity for members to highlight any health and safety concerns they have. Staff and students are encouraged to report any concerns to the committee members beforehand.


  1. This Policy is reviewed annually, and may be reviewed sooner dependent on internal and external measures.

Version History

Title: Health and Safety Policy

Approved by: Executive Committee

Version Number Date Approved Date Published  Owner  Proposed Next Review Date
2.0 October 2022 January 2023 Director of Resourcing and Operations September 2024
1.0 May 2018 May 2018 HR and Operations Manager July 2019
Referenced documents None
External Reference Point(s) Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013, Health and Safety (Consultation with Employees) Regulations 1996
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