About Dr Tobias Hartung

Tobias Hartung is an Assistant Professor in Computer Science at Northeastern University London. His work is in algorithm design for high energy physics, which includes quantum computing, high performance computing, and investigating the mathematical foundations of quantum field theory. Currently, Tobias’s main research focus is on developing algorithms and protocols for current and near-future applications of universal quantum computing in high energy physics and closely related application areas.

Prior to joining Northeastern University London, Tobias held positions at the University of Bath, King’s College London, and The Cyprus Institute.

PhD in Mathematics, King’s College London (2015)
Diplom Mathematics with Physics Minor, TU Dresden (2013)

Email: tobias.hartung@nulondon.ac.uk

Dr Tobias Hartung's Research

Tobias’s main research focus lies in the intersection of quantum computing, high performance computing, functional analysis, and algorithm design for high energy physics applications. His work ranges from theoretical investigations of the foundations of quantum field theory to their application in designing algorithms and computing paradigms that currently prevent highly accurate simulations of certain high energy physics regimes, such as the early universe and processes requiring real-time dynamics.

Tobias is part of multiple large collaborations including research groups at CERN, DESY, and the German Aerospace Center.

Selected Publications
K. Borras, S. Y. Chang, L. Funcke, M. Grossi, T. Hartung, K. Jansen, D. Kruecker, S. Kühn, F. Rehm, C. Tüysüz, S. Vallecorsa “Impact of Quantum Noise on the Training of Quantum Generative Adversarial Networks” Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2438, 012093 (2023)

L. Funcke, T. Hartung, K. Jansen, S. Kühn, P. Stornati, X. Wang “Measurement Error Mitigation in Quantum Computers through Classical Bit-Flip Correction” Physical Review A 105, 062404 (2022)

T. Hartung, T. Jakobs, K. Jansen, J. Ostmeyer, C. Urbach “Digitising SU(2) Gauge Fields and the Freezing Transition” European Physical Journal C 82:237 (2022)

T. Hartung, K. Jansen, F. Y. Kuo, H. Leövey, D. Nuyens, I. H. Sloan “Lattice Meets Lattice: Application of Lattice Cubature to Models in Lattice Gauge Theory” Journal of Computational Physics 443, 110527 (2021)

L. Funcke, T. Hartung, K. Jansen, S. Kühn, P. Stornati “Dimensional Expressivity Analysis of Parametric Quantum Circuits” Quantum 5, 422 (2021)

K. A. Nicoli, C. J. Anders, L. Funcke, T. Hartung, K. Jansen, P. Kessel, S. Nakajima, P. Stornati “On Estimation of Thermodynamic Observables in Lattice Field Theories with Deep Generative Models” Physical Review Letters 126, 032001 (2021)

T. Hartung, K. Jansen “Zeta-regularized vacuum expectation values” Journal of Mathematical Physics 60, 093504 (2019)

T. Hartung “Regularizing Feynman Path Integrals using the generalized Kontsevich-Vishik trace” Journal of Mathematical Physics 58, 123505 (2017)

A. Ammon, T. Hartung, K. Jansen, H. Leövey, J. Volmer “Overcoming the sign problem in 1-dimensional QCD by new integration rules with polynomial exactness” Physical Review D 94, 114508 (2016)

A. Ammon, A. Genz, T. Hartung, K. Jansen, H. Leövey, J. Volmer “On the efficient numerical solution of lattice systems with low-order couplings” Computer Physics Communications 198, 71-81 (2016)

Dr Tobias Hartung's Teaching

Tobias is teaching Bachelor and Masters courses in Computer Science. His teaching focuses on algorithm design and mathematical background of computer science.

Selected Teaching History

Northeastern University London
– Discrete Structures
– Algorithms

University of Bath
– Understanding Universal Quantum Computers
– Programming
– Advanced Principles of Chemical Engineering
– Modelling the Dynamics of Life 2

King’s College London
– Analysis
– Dynamical Systems
– Numerical Methods

Postgraduate Schools
– Introduction to Quantum Computing
– Zeta-regularization of Feynman’s Path Integral