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Prevent Duty

The Prevent duty in the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 imposes a duty on specified authorities, in the exercise of their functions, to have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism. The University’s Prevent Policy is in place to safeguard students and staff. If you are worried that a student or member of staff is becoming radicalised or is radicalising others, you must report this to the Registrar (for concerns about students) or the Human Resources and Operations Manager (HROM) (for concerns about staff) who will pass the matter on to the Prevent Officer to investigate where appropriate.

Please familiarise yourself with the University’s Prevent Policy.


Counter Terrorism Policing have launched a new safeguarding website:

The website aims to increase awareness with concerned family and friends of where to go for further information and support.

The site will also raise awareness and understanding of the signs of radicalisation, increase understanding and confidence of the referral process, and develop trust and confidence in the safeguarding role of the police.

Family and friends know when something’s not right. It can feel scary to think someone close could be heading down a path towards extremism. However, it is family and friends who are best placed to spot concerning behaviour at an early stage and can help the person they care about get the support they may need to move away from extremism.

In addition to the launch of the website, a new national Prevent advice helpline is also being set-up and operated by specially trained Prevent Officers whose focus will be on providing reassurance and practical advice, in confidence, to concerned friends and families. The helpline is now live on 0800 011 3764.

Prevent is safeguarding, its approach is similar to supporting individuals who may be susceptible to gangs, grooming, child sexual exploitation and other lines of criminality. Prevent provides support and builds resilience to counter that vulnerability by working with multi-agency partners in health, faith, community groups, charities, education and local authority, to help the individual move away from an extremist pathway.

Working together in partnership within a multi-agency space allows for a bespoke package of support to be set in motion. ACT EARLY and share those concerns.

Visit for more information.