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Academic Handbook Operations

Managing External Speakers Policy

Organisation of Events Involving External Speakers

  1. All universities have an obligation by law to protect free speech and academic freedom, while at the same time helping to prevent incitement of hatred, violence or terrorism. This policy enables the Northeastern University London (the University) to fulfil this statutory duty; the safeguards are directed against the kinds of incitement listed, and are neither designed nor intended to limit the number or kind of visiting speakers, or their subject-matter, outside this category.
  2. This policy must be read in conjunction with the Prevent Policy, Code of Practice on Freedom of Speech, Health and Safety Policy, and the Events Policy.
  3. Definitions:
Term Meaning 
External Speakers Are persons who are invited to speak at the University to members of the University. For these purposes, an external speaker is a person(s) who is not a member of the University, and who has been invited to speak at an event for purposes that are not a designated part of an academic programme of study, research activity or an academic offer. This definition includes pre-recorded, streamed or broadcast materials from an external speaker.

External speakers will exclude: 

A person who has been awarded the title of ‘Fellow’ of the University

Networking events organised by professional or faculty staff

Event  Includes, but is not limited to, meetings where members of the University, members of the public and/or external speakers will be present.
Member of the University Includes faculty and professional staff, students, alumni and board members.
Guest A person who is attending an event who is not a member of the University.
Principle Organiser (PrO) Every event must have a principle organiser who is responsible overall for the event, and in the first instance who considers the invitation of the external speaker to the event.
Prevent Officer (PO) Person responsible for carrying out due diligence. 
Facilities Coordinator (FC) Person responsible for carrying out health and safety risk assessments.

Requesting an External Speaker Procedure 

  1. In conjunction with this policy, the following procedure and Events Booking Form must be used to request the attendance of an external speaker
  2. For all other room bookings that fall outside of this policy please refer to the Timetabling Policy.
  3. Procedure
    1. Each booking must identify a Principal Organiser (PrO), who is responsible for completing and submitting the Events Booking Form, and is thereby agreeing to the Events Policy. The PrO is also responsible with collaborating with the University staff in the approval and organisation of the event.
    2. Student organised events must have at least one suitable member of staff on duty for the duration of the event.
    3. In all cases, the PrO must allow sufficient time for the booking to be considered using the University’s processes. The University reserves the right to reject the booking on the grounds that there is insufficient time to follow the process if less than fifteen working days’ notice is given. 
    4. The PrO is responsible in the first instance for considering whether there are any major risks or concerns, with particular respect to the duties to protect freedom of speech and academic freedom; to values of equality, diversity, and the dignity of all members of the University; to the Prevent Strategy; and to the potential for infringements of these duties and values (Code of Practice on Freedom of Speech).
    5. On completion of the consideration, the PrO must complete the Events Booking Form for processing and by doing so, agrees to the Events Policy. The Timetabling Manager will provisionally book the room, but this does not confirm nor approve that the event may go ahead. 
    6. The PrO must wait for confirmation from either the PO, the FC or the decision of the appeal panel, whichever is the later, before advertising the event.

Due Diligence and Risk Assessment

  1. The Prevent Officer (PO) is responsible for carrying out due diligence and the Facilities Coordinator (FC) is responsible for carrying out a health and safety risk assessment.
  2. The PO should carry out due diligence in the following circumstances:
    1. Where a member of the University has requested to invite an external speaker and due diligence by the PO has never previously taken place.
    2. Where due diligence has taken place within the last twelve months and the PO has reason to believe that circumstances and/or content have changed.
    3. Where more than twelve months have elapsed since due diligence took place. If the result of the previous due diligence was assessed as low or acceptable, a full assessment may not be necessary, unless the PO has reason to believe that circumstances and/or content have changed.

Due Diligence Process

  1. On receipt of the Events Booking Form, the PO, if appropriate, will carry out an Internet search to confirm the findings of the PrO regarding the external speaker and will record the results. The PO may request further information from the PrO.
  2. The risk will be assessed as high only if the external speaker belongs to, or professes to belong to, a proscribed organisation, or the proposed speaker will use the event to support or to further the activities of a proscribed organisation. The event will be rejected at this stage.  
  3. If no concerns are identified, the risk will be assessed as low or acceptable (Annex A), and due diligence will have been completed by the PO. The FC will carry out a general risk assessment.
  4. The PO may seek the advice from external agencies (including the Regional Prevent Coordinator) at any time during this process if necessary or appropriate.
  5. If concerns are identified as a result of the investigations, the risk will be assessed as medium and the PO will initiate the start of an enhanced risk assessment. 
  6. The PO may contact the Regional Prevent Coordinator for further advice and may request further information from the PrO or External Speaker.
  7. The PO informs the Risk Review Group (RRG), which is made up of the HR and Operations Manager, Head of Quality Assurance and a senior member of faculty, that a medium risk event has been requested.
  8. The RRG will review the information gathered and will conclude that the event is:
    1. Manageable with additional control measures. Additional control measures may include:
      1. Challenging high risk speakers with opposing views.
      2. Appointing an independent chairperson to facilitate.
      3. Filming the event to deter the use of unlawful speech.
      4. Appointing additional security.
      5. Ticketing the event.
      6. Requesting promotional materials to be submitted prior to the event.
      7. Postponing the event if necessary to enable practicable steps to be taken. 
    2. Unmanageable and the request is therefore rejected.
  9. The RRG will inform the PO and the FC of their decision.
  10. The FC will inform the PrO of the conditions and control measures that need to be met in order for the event to be approved.
  11. The PRO may appeal the decision of the RRG.
  12. The PrO will inform and present evidence to the FC that demonstrates to the satisfaction of the FC that the conditions have been met.
  13. When the FC is satisfied they will inform the PrO that the event has been approved and the PrO may now advertise the event.


  1. Appeals will be heard by the Executive Committee (ExCo). Appeals must be made, in writing, within five working days to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO). A decision will be made within five working days and the CEO will inform the PO, FC and PrO of the decision.

Version History

Title: Managing External Speakers Policy

Approved by: Executive Committee

Location: Academic Handbook/ Policies and Procedures/ General/ Operations

Version Number Date Approved Date Published  Owner  Proposed Next Review Date
1.6 January 2023 January 2023 Prevent Officer April 2024
1.5 December 2021 December 2021 Prevent Officer April 2022
1.4 September 2020 September 2020 Prevent Officer April 2022
1.3 June 2020 June 2020 Prevent Officer April 2022
1.2 October 2019 October 2019 Prevent Officer April 2022
1.1 November 2018 November 2018 Prevent Officer September 2019
Referenced documents Prevent Policy; Code of Practice on Freedom of Speech; Health and Safety Policy; Timetabling Policy; Room Booking Terms and Conditions; Room Booking Form
External Reference Point(s) Counter-terrorism and Security Act 2015; UK Quality Code: Learning and Teaching; Enabling Student Achievement

Annex A

Assessing the Risk
Low Risk The speaker(s) are not contentious.

Subject matter is clear and does not appear contentious.

Speaker has previously attended the University with no issues arising.

Acceptable Risk The subject matter is contentious, but there are no contentious speakers and the audience is restricted to members of the University.
Medium Risk Subject matter has not been made clear, and there is a potential for the speaker to misuse the opportunity and/or no informed assessment can be made based on the information available at the time. 

Subject matter is contentious and has the potential to be used to draw attendees into terrorism and/or details of the subject matter remain unclear after further and thorough investigation.

Further investigations are necessary. 

Investigations to include:

Researching organisation or speaker in the public domain

Prevent Officer to contact Regional Prevent Coordinator

Prevent Officer to inform Facilities Coordinator that a medium risk event is planned

High Risk The speaker is representing or a member of a proscribed organisation check here and contact Regional Prevent Coordinator.