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Philosophy Faculty research

Northeastern University London has a wide range of research expertise in philosophy. Indeed, with both research active permanent faculty members, and an extraordinary visiting professoriate, we have research strengths in all of the main areas of the subject: practical philosophy and value theory; the history of philosophy; and theoretical philosophy.


Practical Philosophy and Value Theory

In practical philosophy and value theory, Northeastern University London has expertise in the following areas:

  • Aesthetics (Dr Brian Ball, Dr Naomi Goulder, Professor A C Grayling)
  • Applied Ethics (Dr David Mitchell)
  • Ethics (Dr Naomi Goulder, Dr David Mitchell, Dr Christoph Schuringa)
  • Meta-Ethics (Dr Naomi Goulder)
  • Political Philosophy (Dr David Mitchell, Dr Ioannis Votsis)

History of Philosophy

At Northeastern University London, we conduct research in the following areas of the history of philosophy:

  • Ancient Philosophy (Dr David Mitchell, Dr Christoph Schuringa)
  • Early Modern (Professor A C Grayling, Dr Christoph Schuringa)
  • German Philosophy (Professor A C Grayling, Dr Christoph Schuringa)
  • 20th Century Philosophy (Dr Brian Ball, Professor A C Grayling, Dr Christoph Schuringa)

Theoretical Philosophy

Northeastern University London faculty actively participate in contemporary debates in the following areas of theoretical philosophy:

  • Epistemology (Dr Brian Ball, Dr Ioannis Votsis)
  • Metaphysics (Dr Brain Ball, Dr Ioannis Votsis)
  • Mind, Cognition, and Action (Dr Brian Ball, Dr Naomi Goulder, Dr Christoph Schuringa, Dr Ioannis Votsis)
  • Logic and Language (Dr Brian Ball, Professor A C Grayling, Dr Ioannis Votsis)
  • Philosophy of Science (Dr Ioannis Votsis)

Interdisciplinary Research

Our faculty is also engaged in a number of interdisciplinary research groups; and we host academic events in philosophy, including regular meetings of the Philosophy Research Seminar.

Philosophy Research Seminar

The Philosophy Research Seminar (PRS) is a fortnightly seminar at Northeastern University London featuring internal and external speakers in all areas of philosophy, with meetings occasionally organised in conjunction with the Philosophy Society. Click here for more details