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Engage with the world, from the vantage point of a culturally diverse global city.

A person's hand organizes various financial documents and colorful sticky notes spread across a wooden table. Some documents display graphs and charts, and a few paperclips are visible on the table.

Transparency Data

In accordance with regulations set out by the Office for Students, the University has published the following information in the interests of transparency regarding admissions data and student body. Due to the University’s small student numbers, the majority of the University’s data published has been suppressed in line with OfS policy (as defined below).

Provider: Northeastern University – London
UKPRN: 10048199

For details of non-numeric values in the following tables, please see the ‘Rounding and suppression’ worksheet
Ethnic minorities includes students with Asian, Black, Mixed or Other ethnicities, a further breakdown of which is shown in Table 1b.

Table 1a: Percentage of classified first degrees at grade 2:1 or above by characteristic for 2021-22 qualifiers.

CharacteristicCharacteristic splitPercentage
EthnicityEthnic minoritiesWhiteNN
EIMD 2019 quintile1 and 23 to 5NN

Provider: Northeastern University – London
UKPRN: 10048199

For details of non-numeric values in the following tables, please see the ‘Rounding and suppression’ worksheet.

Table 1b: Detailed information on attainment for 2021-22 qualifiers.

A table showing various educational statistics categorized by Mode of Study, Characteristic split (such as Ethnicity and Sex), with columns for headcount and percentage of degrees awarded in different classifications.

The information published on these tables show:

  • The number of applications for admission on to recognised undergraduate higher education courses that we have received from UK domiciled applicants.
  • The number of offers we have made in relation to those applications.
  • The number of those offers accepted and the number of those who have registered with us.
  • The number of students who attained a particular degree or other academic award, or a particular level of such an award, on completion of their course with us.

It also shows these numbers by reference to:

  • The gender of the individuals to which they relate
  • Their ethnicity
  • Their socioeconomic background.

Information: Rounding and suppression

 The data contained in the tables have been rounded and suppressed as follows:

  • Numerators and denominators have been rounded to the nearest 10. Where the numerator or denominator rounds to 20 or less, the data are suppressed with an “N”.
  • Percentages are rounded according to the smallest, unsuppressed denominator in a given mode and characteristic. If the denominator rounds to:

– 50 or less: percentages are rounded to 5%

– 1000 or less: percentages are rounded to 1%

– More than 1000: percentages are rounded to 0.1%

– “N/A” is displayed where there is no provision in a given mode or level

– “DP” indicates suppression for data protection reasons. This is applied where the numerator is two or less or differs from the denominator by no more than two students.

Transparency Information

Questions? Please contact us if you have any questions concerning the above data and we will be happy to help.