We’ll support you every step of the way
Start here for a world-class education propelled by experience—in a global city that’s rich in history, culture, and opportunity.

Begin your interdisciplinary degree here
No other U.K. university offers undergraduate degree programmes with as much personalisation and range of integrated real-world experience.

Invest in your future self
Shape your future by earning the expertise and experience that businesses want and society needs.

Pursue impactful research with our experts
Enrol in our experiential PhD programmes and work with top-calibre researchers. We offer our degrees through a partnership agreement with the University of Kent. Apply directly through the following websites:

Accelerate your professional growth
Apprenticeships in the U.K. are a unique, government-sponsored way for smart, ambitious students to earn their degree while working for an apprentice partner organization.

Fees and funding
Learn about tuition fees, scholarships, grants, and information about financial forms and deadlines.
Entry requirements
Learn about our requirements for exam grades, English language proficiency, and other qualifications to ensure you’re set up for success in your studies.