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BA (Hons) Philosophy

Philosophy Courses

The list of Philosophy courses below is indicative of those that are currently planned for students commencing their undergraduate degree in September 2023. The courses that run in each academic year are subject to change in line with faculty availability and student demand, and may have limited capacity or be unavailable to you due to the timetable. There is, therefore, no guarantee every course will be available every year.

Elective Pathways

You will have the opportunity to personalise approximately 40% of your degree content. You might choose to undertake further in-depth electives in your degree discipline, or to study elective pathways, which allow you to explore, develop and demonstrate a secondary area of expertise. If you take the equivalent of at least three courses in a defined pathway outside of  your main degree discipline, in this case Philosophy you may apply to receive recognition for this (e.g. BA (Hons) Philosophy with Psychology) in a letter alongside your degree certificate and transcript.

Year 2

(Option to study abroad and follow US curriculum courses at a Northeastern University campus in the USA in the second semester)

Plus, TWO Philosophy courses from the following list:

Plus, FOUR elective courses