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Data Scientist (Integrated Degree) Apprenticeship Programme

Accelerate the digital capabilities of your business with a tailored, experience-driven degree programme designed to build technical expertise, drive organisational processes and boost productivity.


The apprenticeship is taught at undergraduate level.  As per the apprenticeship standard, there are three specialisms, chosen and realised in Stage 3.

The courses that run in each academic year are subject to change in line with faculty availability and student demand so there is no guarantee every course will be delivered. For further information, please see here and speak to your admissions contact.

In your first year (or stage)

Optional ‘work ready bootcamp’ (0 credits)

Business Fundamentals (NCHNAP443)

15 Credits

This course will familiarise learners with the contemporary world of business.… Read More

Mathematical Structures & Methods (NCHNAP444)

15 Credits

This course introduces mathematical structures and methods that form the foundation… Read More

Intensive Foundations of Computer Science and Programming I (NCHAPP445)

15 Credits

This course introduces the fundamental ideas of computing and programming principles.… Read More

Data Management Systems

15 Credits

This course explores how a wide range of enterprises around the world use information… Read More

Database Design & Management I

15 Credits

This course covers the underlying principles and concepts behind relational databases… Read More

Intensive Foundations of Computer Science and Programming II (NCHNAP448)

15 Credits

This course covers more advanced topics in computing and programming principles… Read More

Cloud Computing (NCHNAP451)

15 Credits

This course offers an overview of practical aspects of distributed systems and cloud … Read More

Data Science Bootcamp

15 Credits

This course is an intensive two-week, face-to-face residential/bootcamp.… Read More

In your second year (or stage)

Information Technology Project Management (NCHNAP555)

15 Credits

This course covers the tools and techniques used to manage information technology...… Read More

Database Design & Management II

15 Credits

Study the design of a database for use in a relational database management system.… Read More

Linear Algebra and Probability for Data Science (NCHNAP562)

15 Credits

This course offers an introduction to the basics of statistics, probability...… Read More

Data Analytics

15 Credits

This course introduces the subject of data analytics and how raw data is handled...… Read More

Machine Learning & Data Mining I (NCHNAP563)

15 Credits

This course introduces the learner to well-used machine learning techniques...… Read More

Machine Learning and Data Mining II (NCHNAP564)

15 Credits

This course continues with supervised and unsupervised predictive modelling...… Read More

Data Visualisation

15 Credits

This course introduces the use of design, interaction, and visualisation techniques..… Read More

Data Synthesis

15 Credits

This course is an intensive two-week, face-to-face residential/bootcamp...… Read More

In your third year (or stage)

Advances in Data Science

15 Credits

This course will explore cutting-edge advances in data science such as AI...… Read More

Big Data

15 Credits

This course explores the challenges associated with big data...… Read More

Software Engineering (NCHNAP688)

15 Credits

This course covers the foundations of software engineering, software development...… Read More

Implementing Data Science

15 Credits

This course offers apprentices an opportunity to learn how to approach data analysis … Read More

Data Science Synoptic Project & End Point Assessment

60 Credits

This course is a data science project, conceived and executed in the place of work.… Read More