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About Dr Peter Sozou

Dr Peter Sozou is an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Economics at Northeastern University London.

BA, University of Oxford
PhD, Birkbeck College, University of London


Dr Peter Sozou 's Research

Peter’s interests include: theoretical biology and evolutionary biology; decision-making and behaviour, including game theory and applications to economic theory; medical decision-making; public policy; statistics, AI and inverse problems; and philosophy of science.

Selected journal papers and book chapters

  • P D Sozou, P C R Lane, M Addis and F Gobet: “Computational scientific discovery”. In: L. Magnani and T. Bertolotti (eds.). Springer Handbook of Model-Based Science, Springer, Switzerland (2017).
  • P D Sozou and G M Hartshorne: “Time to pregnancy: a computational method for using the duration of non-conception for predicting conception”. PLoS One 7, e46544 (2012).
  • P D Sozou, S Sheldon and G M Hartshorne: “Consent agreements for embryo cryopreservation: the case for choice”. Journal of Medical Ethics 36, 230-233 (2010).
  • R M Seymour and P D Sozou: “Duration of courtship effort as a costly signal.” Journal of Theoretical Biology 256, 1-13 (2009).
  • P D Sozou “Individual and social discounting in a viscous population”. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 276, 2955-2962 (2009).
  • P D Sozou and R M Seymour: “Costly but worthless gifts facilitate courtship”. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 272, 1877-1884 (2005).
  • P D Sozou and R M Seymour: “To age or not to age”. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 271, 457-463 (2004).
  • P D Sozou and R M Seymour: “Augmented discounting: interaction between ageing and time-preference behaviour”. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 270, 1047-1053 (2003).
  • P D Sozou and T B L Kirkwood: “A stochastic model of cell replicative senescence based on telomere shortening, oxidative stress, and somatic mutations in nuclear and mitochondrial DNA”. Journal of Theoretical Biology 213, 573-586 (2001).
  • P.D. Sozou: “On hyperbolic discounting and uncertain hazard rates”. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 265, 2015-2020 (1998).
  • P.D. Sozou, T.F. Cootes, C.J. Taylor, E.C. Di Mauro and A. Lanitis: “Non-linear point distribution modelling using a multi-layer perceptron”. Image and Vision Computing 15, 457-463 (1997).
  • P.D. Sozou: “Inversion of mirage data: an optimisation approach”. Journal of the Optical Society of America A 11, 125-134 (1994).
  • P.D. Sozou and A.I. Houston: “Parental effort in a mating system involving two males and two females”. Journal of Theoretical Biology 171, 251-266 (1994).
  • P.D. Sozou and G. Loizou: “Moving through a mirage”. Applied Optics 33, 4644-4651 (1994).
  • T. Szekely, P.D. Sozou and A.I. Houston: “Flocking behaviour of passerines: a dynamic Model for the non-reproductive season”. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 28, 204-213 (1991).

Book reviews:

  • “The End of Sex and the Future of Human Reproduction” by Henry T. Greely. Bionews 864, 15 August 2016.
  • “Eros and Evolution” by R.E. Michod, “Human Sperm Competition” by R.R. Baker and M.A. Bellis,
  • “With Pleasure” by P.R. Abramson and S.D. Pinkerton, and “What’s Love got to Do with It?” by M.F. Small. Scientific American, 274(1), 102-104, January 1996.

Newspaper articles:

  • “The government’s new Trade Union bill is illogical and flawed”. Opinion column, The Independent (online only), 10 January 2016.
  • “When does a pay rise make you worse off?”. Opinion column, The Times, 26 August 2008.
  • “Our muddled thinking on 24 week abortions”. Opinion column, The Times, 1 November 2007.

Dr Peter Sozou 's Teaching

Peter leads a first year (level 4 course) on business statistics. He has previously led or co-led courses on statistics, economics for management, dynamic processes and game theory, and seminar-based courses in microeconomics. He has supervised a number of dissertations, particularly for MScs, in areas such as business analytics, statistics, economics, medical decision-making, management and operational research.